Web DEVELOPMENT / DIGITAL DESIGN / Event Marketing (2020)

The National Drug Policy Reform Seminar (NDPRS) is a nonpartisan, virtual public gathering place for policymakers, experts, and advocates from across the United States to discuss the evolving drug policy landscape and future of marijuana law reform. Timed to take place in the days leading up to the 2020 Democratic and Republican National Conventions, NDPRS provides the next administration and Congress with recommendations to successfully navigate the evolving cannabis policy landscape.

The seminar was a 1-day industry conference held on August 15, 2020 via livestream to accommodate pandemic restrictions. With organizers based in Washington DC, participants connected from across the country for both pre-recorded and live video presentations. Contracted by event production group, The High Street, LLC, the project required a full brand design package and marketing campaign executed in less than a month. Package included event graphics, website design, video graphics, speaker slide presentations, and custom marketing materials for speakers and sponsors.

The marketing strategy included a specialized PR, speaker & sponsor coordination, event database updates, and digital advertising.

Digital Design